It was my curiosity which triggered my interest in body work. It was at a time that I felt that I needed to add something new to my Pregnancy Yoga. I had no idea where the road would lead me. I was looking for something holistic and came across Chi Nei Tsang, a type of body work which originates from the Tao System. What appealed to me mostly, was that it involved breath work, energy work and body work. Working around the belly button and the surrounding area helps to release knots, tightness, scarring, wind and moving stagnated energy so that the body can function and heal. Using techniques of massage directly over the navel and surrounding abdominal area, releases toxins as well as emotional blockages from the body. I think you can say that my new journey started at the centre off the body, namely the abdominal region. It was Atarangi Muru who taught me that there was so much more than only the belly. It was because of her teaching that she reminded me of my own culture. It triggered some old memories as a young girl because I used to playfully massage my mother around her belly and/or massage her back. I would rub in some ointment and with a coin, I would gently scrape her skin ‘Kerok’ to open her pores in order to release some wind that was stuck in her body. Kerok improves circulation and helps to release toxins from the body. When I was younger I would also massage my grandmothers legs and feet to earn some pocket money. I even walked on my fathers back ‘Pitjit Jalan’ when he felt tight. On several occasions, I have traveled back to Indonesia and the Netherlands where I have learned different modalities of body work. I work intuitively on your body and I trust that my hands will flow where they need to go. I am integrating all my learning so I can provide you with what you need at this moment of time.