Baby Massage for Dad & Baby

RELAX the belly, RELAX the baby.

Fathers at times might feel that they have missed out on that special bond while the baby was still in the womb. In this 3 week Baby Massage Course, the fathers will learn how to connect with their baby in a special way through massage. The classes are held either on Saturdays or Sundays.

This 3-week course for babies aged 6 weeks and older will promote a stronger bond between baby and father, allowing him to handle his baby with more ease and confidence. This baby massage will improve circulation and stimulation of the lymph flow in order to strengthen the immune system. It will help the baby to relax, creating a better sleeping pattern. We will introduce baby exercises for continued flexibility and good health. The work around the belly will help to release wind, cramps and it will support the baby with colic.

The classes are designed in a warm and friendly environment, where the babies needs is the main priority. Although the fathers will be doing the massages on the baby, the mothers are more than welcome to come and watch.

I highly recommend Cathy McCormick. Visit for Antenatal Classes & Mothers Support Groups. Postnatal Midwife Service. Support with Breastfeeding, Settling-Sleep, Colic-Wind & Reflux advice.